September 9 2020
Stranraer F.C T.V Stranraer F.C will have a soft launch of our new T.V Station, this launch will be in the fitba bar this Saturday at 2.45pm where both the front bar and upstairs lounge will be open for social distance purposes.
August 18 2020
Membership Re newals Can we advise supporters that Memberships are now due, for 20/21 New members wishing to join require two full members to propose and second before acceptance and these forms can be picked up at fitba bar. You can also pay subscriptions there just place in envelope with your details in the envelope with your £15, As yet we don't have a date for the AGM however as soon as restrictions are eased then we will adv
August 11 2020
Season Ticket price change After careful consideration and taking on board fans views, we have made some changes to the Children's entry pricing for season 20-21.Primary children are free however they must be accompanied by an adult If not accompanied then admission is £2 Secondary school season tickets are now £30 Entry for Secondary is still £5 so at £30 for season ticket this is great value for money.